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  • Gokhman D*, Harris KD*, Carmi S, Greenbaum G (2024). Predicting the direction of phenotypic difference. bioRxiv


  1. Harris KD, Hadari G, Greenbaum G (2025). modelRxiv: A platform for the distribution, computation and interactive display of models. Ecology Letters

  2. Peled OGreenbaum G*, Bloch G* (2025). Data-driven analyses of social complexity in bees reveal phenotypic diversification following a major evolutionary transition. Current Biology

  3. Harris KDGreenbaum G (2024). DORA: an interactive map for the visualization and analysis of ancient human DNA and associated data. Nucleic Acid Research, 52, W54-W80

  4. Greenbaum G, Carja O (2024). The new society for modeling and theory in population biology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution

  5. Armstrong EE*, Mooney JA*, Solari KA, Kim BY, Barsh GS, Grant V, Greenbaum G, Kaelin CB, Panchenko K, Pickrell JK, Rosenberg NA, Ryder OA, Yokoyama T, Ramakrishnan U, Petrov DA, Hadly EA (2024). Unraveling the genetic diversity and evolutionary history of captive tigers in the United States. PNAS

  6. Harris KDGreenbaum G (2023). Rescue by gene swamping as a gene drive deployment strategy. Cell Reports, 42,113499

  7. Kim J, Harris KD, Kim IK, Shemesh S, Messer PW*, Greenbaum G* (2023). Incorporating ecology into gene drive modeling. 
    Ecology Letters, 26, S62-S80

  8. Segoli M, Abram PK, Ellers J, Hardy ICW, Greenbaum G, Heimpel GE, Keasar T, Ode PJ, Sade A, Wajnberg E (2023). Trait-based approaches to predicting biological control success: challenges and prospects. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 38(9), 802-811

  9. Liu X, Rosenberg NA*, Greenbaum G* (2022). Extracting hierarchical features of cultural variation using network-based clustering, 4, e18. Evolutionary Human Sciences

  10. Greenbaum G, Dener E, Giladi I (2022). Limits to the evolution of dispersal kernels under rapid fragmentation. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 9:20210696

  11. Greenbaum G, Feldman MW, Rosenberg NA, Kim J (2021). Designing gene drives to limit spillover to non-target populations. PLoS Genetics, 17(2):e1009278

  12. Armstrong EE*, Khan A*, Taylor RW, Gouy A, Greenbaum G, Thiéry A, Kang J, Redondo SA, Prost S, Barsh G, Kaelin C, Phalke S, Chugani A, Gilbert M, Miquelle D, Zachariah A, Borthakur U, Reddy A, Louis E, Ryder O, Jhala YV Petrov D, Excoffier L, Hadly E*, Ramakrishnan U* (2021). Recent evolutionary history of tigers highlights contrasting roles of genetic drift and selection. Molecular Biology & Evolution

  13. Greenbaum S, Greenbaum G (2020). Evolution of immune sexual dimorphism in response to placental invasiveness. Trends in Genetics, 36(1):3-5

  14. Greenbaum G, Rubin A, Templeton AR, Rosenberg NA (2019). Network-based hierarchical population structure analysis for large genomic datasets. Genome Research, 29, 2020-2033

  15. Greenbaum G, Getz WM, Hovers E, Rosenberg NA, Feldman MW, Kolodny O (2019). Disease and introgression explain the long-lasting contact zone of modern humans and Neanderthals. Nature Communications, 10, 5003

  16. Sinai I, Segev O, Weil G, Oron T, Merilä J, Templeton AR, Blaustein L, Greenbaum G, Blank L (2019). The role of landscape and history on the genetic structure of peripheral populations of the Near Eastern fire salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata, in Northern Israel. Conservation Genetics, 20(4), 875-889

  17. Greenbaum G, Hovers E, Feldman MW, Kolodny O (2019). Was inter-population connectivity of Neanderthals and modern humans the driver of the Upper Paleolithic transition rather than its product? Quaternary Science Reviews, 217, 316-329

  18. Greenbaum G, Truskanov N, Creanza N, Edelman S, Feldman MW, Kolodny O (2019). Separating social learning from technical skill provides a new perspective on the record of hominin tool use. Current Anthropology, 60(3)

  19. Greenbaum S*, Greenbaum G*, Gilad-Moran J, Weintraub AY (2019). Ecological dynamics of the vaginal microbiome in relation to health and disease. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 220(4), 324-335

  20. Greenbaum G, Fogarty L, Colleran H, Berger-Tal O, Kolodny O*, Creanza N* (2019). Are both necessity and opportunity the mothers of innovations? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42, e199

  21. Greenbaum G, Renan S, Templeton AR, Bouskila A, Saltz D, Rubinstein DI, Bar-David S (2018). Revealing life-history traits by contrasting genetic estimations with predictions of effective population size. Conservation Biology, 32(4), 817-827

  22. Rodger Y, Greenbaum G, Silver M, Bar David S, Winters G (2018). Detecting hierarchical levels of connectivity in a population of Acacia tortilis trees at the northern edge of their global distribution using network analysis. PLoS One, 3(4): e0194901

  23. Renan S, Speyer S, Ben-Nun T, Ziv A, Greenbaum G, Templeton AR, Bar-David S, Bouskila A (2018). Fission-fusion social structure of a reintroduced ungulate: Implications for conservation. Biological Conservation, 222, 261-267

  24. Greenbaum G, Fefferman NH (2017). Applications of network methods for understanding evolutionary dynamics in discrete habitats. Molecular Ecology, 26(11), 2850-2863

  25. Pilosof S*, Greenbaum G*, Krasnov BR, Zelnik YR (2017). Asymmetric disease dynamics in multihost interconnected networks. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 430, 237-244

  26. Greenbaum G, Templeton AR, Bar-David S (2016). Inference and analysis of population structure using genetic data and network theory. Genetics, 202, 1299-1312

  27. Greenbaum G, Hoffman O, Shalev O, Zelnik YR (2015). Complex networks in ecology. Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution, 61(2), 67-68

  28. Greenbaum G (2015). Revisiting the time until fixation of a neutral mutant in a finite population - A coalescent theory approach.
    Journal of Theoretical Biology, 380, 98-102

  29. Renan S*, Greenbaum G*, Shahar N, Templeton AR, Bouskila A, Bar-David S (2015). Stochastic modeling of shifts in allele frequencies reveals a strongly polygynous mating system in the reintroduced Asiatic wild ass. Molecular Ecology, 24(6), 1433-1446

  30. Greenbaum G, Templeton AR, Zarmi Y, Bar-David S (2014). Allelic richness following population founding events - A stochastic modeling framework incorporating gene flow and genetic drift. PLoS One 9(12):e115203 

* Equal contribution​

Publications: Publications
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